Astronomy in education

Explosion of contents

At the beginning of the 21st century, the supply of content linked to astronomy and astronomical popularization has exploded. The Internet has a lot to do with this.
However, nowadays, most people have a feeling of incomprehension when it comes to observing the sky. They do not have the elements to go further in reflection. Lacking the elements to reflect on what they have experienced; they are only left with an emotional angle. This points to a lack of astronomical culture in the general population.


Why do we find ourselves in this situation?

Despite the explosion of astronomy-related content made available to the public, mainly thanks to social networks, most people do not have the necessary keys to understand the basic mechanisms of the universe in which we live.

Profe y astronomía

And in the Spanish educational system?

The presence of astronomy in the Spanish educational system is limited, and largely optional, and teachers lack didactic tools and often knowledge to carry out effective teaching-learning processes in this area.

Considering its contextualizing character (it offers the conditions for our universe and our earth in particular, and has given us the possibility to be) and transversal (its holistic character allows us to use it as a basis for didactic tools for many subjects) Astronomy is not fairly represented in education.
... so... How can we strengthen the astronomical culture in Spain? What can we do to strengthen the knowledge related to astronomy at school?